23 Ways to Save Money on Furniture

As always, the best way to have more money is to not spend it. Here are some ways to save money on your home decorating budget.

1. Rearrange. Consider taking furniture from one room to another rather than just pushing the sofa around the room.

2. Ask friends and family for donations. Seriously. Start asking people; most everyone has a bit here or there that they would love to part with. I’ve furnished more than one house this way.  If your house is empty, don’t be picky. If you are looking for one specific item, hold out for it.

3. Spray paint. This is simple and inexpensive. Read the can carefully. There are specific paints for glass, plastic, metal and wood. There are even more kinds of spray paint than I could imagine. This is just one brand to give you ideas.  Pick the right product, follow directions. You can remake the look of furniture quickly and easily.camo glitter

4. Reupholster, replace pillows, or slip-cover fabric furniture. There are tons of resources and instructions for this. Here’s a simple no-sew tutorial.

5. Re-purpose.  Just because it was originally the office credenza doesn’t mean you can’t use it for a dining buffet.  You may have the perfect piece of furniture hiding in your house. (See item #1)

6. Garage sale, thrift shop or other resale options. See items 3 and 4 for a more cohesive look when you’re done. Used furniture will be vintage or antique in a few years.

7.  Be O.K. with an eclectic look. Everything does not have to match exactly.

8. Make a rug.20130811_151053 (2)

9. Make a pillow.

10. Make art. Hang photos, quilts, teapots or other treasures.

11. Cruise neighborhoods on bulk trash pickup weeks. It’s O.K. to rescue items from the dumpster. It’s free.

12. Use walls as storage, make storage art.969393_10201773540609624_963331587_n

13. Use sheets (new or used) for duvet covers, window treatments, table cloths or clothing. (Remember the Sound of Music?)curtain clothes

14. Consider less is more.

15. Rental furniture companies sell furniture after a few rents.  You’ll find good quality furniture at a huge discount.

If you really want to be the first owner of a piece of furniture…

16. Make it yourself.Recycled-Beer-Can-Furniture-Builds-2

17. Visit the scratch and dent section of the furniture store. A small flaw will save you plenty.

18. Furniture typically has a huge markup. Negotiate the deal, shop around and offer cash.

19. Family owned shops may be able to barter with you for goods or services.

20. Pick up your own furniture – most delivery service will cost extra.

21. Shop with a list, exactly what you want, with photos, and MEASUREMENTS, and price limits. Do your homework, know what you will expect to pay and what your absolute budget is.

22. Be willing to walk away and wait for the deal you want.

23. Avoid financing.

18 Ways to Save Money on Shoes

Of course the best way to save money is to keep it in your pocket.  Make your shoes last longer, look better and suit your style.Image

1. Shine your leather shoes. Here’s a great tutorial.

2. Wash your sneakers. Your athletic shoes can go in the washer. If your shoes can withstand the moisture from a good sweat, then washing them won’t be a problem. I do not recommend putting them in the dryer. Let them air dry. If you live in a place that is cold and wet, put them over the floor heater register.

3. Buy new laces. Especially after you’ve washed your shoes; this will really perk up your sneakers. Also for other lace up shoes. New laces freshen the look.Image

4. Find a shoe repair shop. Replace heel taps, resole, restitch. It’s well worth fixing your good shoes to get more life from them.

5. Buy leather cement or Shoe Goo and fix them yourself. Tandy Leather is a good source.

6. Dye your shoes. This works especially well with fabric covered shoes. There are leather dyes available too.

7. Paint your shoes. Here’s some inspiration.Image

8. Bedazzle your shoes. You’ll find plenty of how to’s. Basically this is glue and something that sparkles. Make your feet fabulous.Image


9. Replace your insoles. This will make your feet happy and your shoes smell better.

10. Make your own shoes. Seriously, Google it. There are several sources for instructions.

11. Buy used shoes. I know. Before you turn your nose up… you have put on bowling shoes, right? So get some disinfectant spray and try it out. Your thrift stores will have some fabulous finds for very little money. 

12. Swap shoes with your friends. 

13. Don’t buy single occasion shoes. Unless you are the bride (even then, no one sees your shoes under the dress) buy shoes that you will wear again. 

14, Only buy shoes that really fit. Walk around the store. If the shoe pinches, rubs or otherwise makes your feet unhappy they will sit in your closet.

15. Only buy shoes you absolutely love.

16. Buy quality shoes. You want shoes that will fit better, and last longer. You will save money over time as you will not have to replace shoes as often. These can also be easily repaired to extend their life.Image

17. Rotating between two or three pairs of shoes for work will allow the shoes to rest and breath between wearings. This will extend their life significantly over wearing the same pair every day. 

18. If you need specialty shoes for work or athletics, go to a specialty store to purchase them. The service you receive will assist you to purchase the correct shoe for your foot, gait and activity. The small extra you may pay will be worth the effort of getting the right shoe.Image